Dec 2023-Jan 2024 “Colours of Humanity” Exhibition at goethe Gallery, Hong Kong Arts Centre
Nov 2023: Public sculpture commissioned for Inter-Island Exhibition, Hong Kong
Sept 2023: Presentation at iapma congress, Dresden
A discussion of the artist’s use of natural and artificial light as a sculptural medium in art with paper.
2023: sculpture with project oikwan, Kuala lumpur & hk
In partnership with Hong Kong Institute of Architects and Gallery In-Between (Hong Kong). Exhibiting responses to the architectural and cultural heritage of an ephemeral Cantonese barbershop
May 2023: Exhibition at PMQ design centre, French May, Hong Kong
During French May Hong Kong: an exhibition of Briel’s new monoprint screenprints, facilitated by David Jasper Wong (co-founder of MarblePrintClay Studio) on handmade chiffon paper by Frederic Gironde of Ruscombe Paper, Margaux
March 2023: discussion panel, art basel Hong Kong
Invited to discuss the inclusion of traditional techniques in artwork as a contemporary artist. Hosted by Mill6CHAT Foundation at Art Basel
Jan 2023: Exhibition with photographer rensis ho at Yrellag Gallery
Selected artists from Hong Kong’s Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) studios were invited to create artworks with images by Rensis Ho, creating works that functioned simultaneously as portraits and self-portraits
feb - Dec 2022: Production & Exhibition with CHAT: Miill6 Foundation
Creation of RE-GENERATIONS, a large-scale artwork in collaboration with artist Ben Lap-yan Hao as part of CHAT’s “Seeds to Textile” endeavour, a reevaluation of Hong Kong’s relationship to its land and possibilities. Comprised of a series of exhibitions, public and private workshops that include hand papermaking; natural dyeing and foraging; urban cultivation of indigo, cotton and other dye varieties; culminating in the transformation of landfill-bound textiles into an installation of art in paper, a format inspired by the earliest European papers and 20th century innovations.
27 October 2022: "An Ecology of Art Space in the East Asian City" talk @ Hong Kong University
With Professor Ying Zhou, a specialist on art spaces in Hong Kong, Singapore and Shanghai. This talk will explore the relationship between art and architecture in the East Asian City from an academic and practitioner's perspective. Each speaker will unpack what an art ecology means to their work. In addition to examining how these ecologies have transformed over time and are defined by place, we will also discuss how they are informed by global and regional movements in art and architecture.
8 October 2022: Presenting paper research during “Activating materials” NAHP Conference
june 15-29 2022: “Making Colour” at Pocket star Gallery, Athens
Paintings of home and conflict, war and self-exile, of lead and precious lapis, join a group show celebrating color
May 26-29 2022: @Yearofpaper at Art Central
Paper cast from the 2022 project Year of Paper at Art Central’s “Made in Hong Kong”
Apr 2022: Tokyo Exhibition “Posted” with The paddock Group
Contemporary traveling exhibition: SYD-NYC-PAR-JHG-HK-TKY at 3331 Gallery IN, Arts Chiyoda
Dec 2021: “Booked” Art Book Fair
Limited edition small format photo book of travels researching papermakers in Southeast Asia.
Special edition of 100 copies (+8 AP) created exclusively for “Booked”: Art Book Fair, 16-19th December 2021
Dec 2021: illustrated Talk “new paints, new ways of seeing”
For the Backreading Hong Kong: Translating Hong Kong symposium co-organized by the Department of English Language and Literature at Hong Kong Baptist University,
the Department of Language Studies at the University of Toronto Scarborough, and the literary journal Cha
Intervention for the Materiality strand at PARSE biennial conference on violence,
held at the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Oct-Nov 2021: Hong Kong Indigo
Collaboration with researchers at Hong Kong’s Center for Heritage Arts & Textile (CHAT) utilizing Hong Kong-grown indigo, with a personal focus on experimenting with art supplies as part of the ArtMaterialist project, as documented in CHAT’s video here Details of exhibition here
Many people in Hong Kong, a contested Territory where almost no one has the right to own land, have become disassociated from the ground we walk on. Engagement with this project fosters a reenvisioning of the city as a site for cultivation and creativity.
A project with CHAT will be forthcoming in 2022 - further developments will be posted on this page
[image: drying indigo paste to create encaustic wax and oil paints]
Oct 2021: Kyoto Art Festival, Kyoto city Museum of art
Exhibiting in the International Artists Exchange and Exhibition,
hosted by Kyoto Municipal Art Museum Annex
Jul-Aug 2021:
Athens (GR) Land and sea: connecting continents exhibition
Bringing Europe and Asia together via the works of three Hong Kong-based artists and an Athens-based artist, held simultaneously at Victoria Square Project and MatchPoint’s public artspace in Athens.
A cultural exchange supported in part by Hong Kong’s Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) and Professor Mayching Kao Fund
May 2021: Hong Kong Solo installation: Ventilation Paintings
Exhibition at Xevarion Institute’s Catalyst space, video and 300sqf of embossed architectural prints, tinted with graphite
Apr 2021: IMPACT11 Print Conference
Presentation HERE